Saturday, September 10, 2011

Racing Pigeon

So I don't really think much of Pigeons. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't think about them often. Then, one shows up at my mother-in-laws house and is not afraid of her or anybody for that matter. It has a band around it's ankle so it is probably somebody's pet. And it's acting like it wants to be my mother-in-laws new pet. Birds seem to like my mother-in-law but the feeling is not mutual. Oh she likes them fine from a distance, but they seem to want to get close to her.  The neighbors across the street did a little leg work from the info on the band and found out it's a racing pigeon. It turns out, as the story was told, that the pigeon came from the Tampa area and was in a race to Africa. Big prize money for the bird who makes it. I'm guessing no money for making it across the state of Florida, because the original owner had no interest in getting the bird back. Luckily for the bird, and my mother-in-law, someone local rescued the bird and is nursing it back to health. You just never know.

Long distance athlete.

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