Sunday, September 20, 2015

The distraction of Football

The Hurricanes won, barely.
The Dolphins lost. barely.
I didn't watch much of either because of other commitments, but I was distracted by both. Sneak a peak on my phone. Catch a moment on the tv that should really be off.
There is so much real happening in the world, in my life, but I find myself distracted by media, by technology. Technology allows me to be distracted. It's supposed to make our lives better, and it can and does, but often it just allows us, or specifically me, an excuse to be distracted from the real world. How do I break this addiction, if it even is one. I'm using technology to complain about technology. Kind of ironic. I could be doing something else, rather than writing this. But I feel like there is something else going on. Something bigger. I'm just not sure what. Are we purposely distracted? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Look over here. Shiny. Squirrel. Distraction. Where are the priorities? What is the compromise? What is missed? What is gained? How do we quantify any of it?  There isn't a box score to summarize the day, the week, the year. The distractions keep piling on without a referee to blow the whistle, to stop the clock and identify the guilty party.
Technology is the protagonist and the antagonist.
It is for you and against you.
It is football.
It is anything.
If you let it.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Glut of Republicans

Who are all these "candidates"? Why do they think they can be president of the United States? Most importantly, why do they want to control our lives so?
As a long time registered republican, I have watched the party become something that would be unrecognizable to my father and grandfather. A party of control. A party that has gotten in bed (pun intended) with the religious right, and needs all of us to subscribe to the same doctrine. A party that does not support individual freedoms. A party that support control, and laws, and a homogenized country rather than a diverse one. I would ask why the leadership of the party has allowed this to happen, but I believe it is a complete lack of leadership that is the reason behind it.
An organized, forward thinking, somewhat libertarian Republican party could have made real strides since the last election. But President Obama has kept on keeping on, obviously cognizant of the dysfunction running rampant among the Republicans. It has gotten so bad, in my estimation, that the current president has become more presidential, more reasonable and main stream when held in comparison to the current crop of Republicans trying to buy their way in to the White House.
Don't misunderstand me, the Democrats aren't much better, but a least they have a clear leader (for now) and a direction. I may not agree with most of their direction, but at least they have one. The Hillary v Bernie clash should be interesting. By the way, what is the appeal of Hillary? Haven't gotten it, don't get it, won't get it.
Who are these Republicans? Where is one, just one, that doesn't come across as a control freak? Where is one, just one, that is fiscally conservative (within reason) and socially liberal enough to not expect every American to live by his or her set of standards? Where is one, just one, that believes in equality for every American citizen. Where is one, just one, that realizes we lost the war on drugs a long time ago and supports the legalization of marijuana. Where is one, just one, that understands and respects the separation of church and state. Not every American believes and worships the same. Keep the government out of religion and keep religion out of the government.
Any takers?
Finally, fire Kim Davis if she can't do her job.
That is all...